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In 2020, China's aerated concrete equipment market scale is 5.604 billion yuan, reaching the highest in the past decade

Have already visited: 38003/27/2022  

According to the "China Aerated concrete Block Industry Market Panorama Survey and Market Competition Strategy Report of 2022-2028" released by Zhiyan Consulting, the total demand for new production lines of aerated concrete in China in 2019 (including replacement and upgrading of old production lines) is 309 sets, and the demand for production lines of aerated concrete in China in 2020 is 357 sets.

Affected by new production line investment and backward production line replacement market, in recent years, China's aerated concrete equipment scale maintained between 2.2 and 5.7 billion yuan. It is estimated that the market scale of aerated concrete equipment in China in 2020 will be 5.604 billion yuan, among which, the market scale of new construction and replacement and upgrading of aerated concrete production line will be 3.289 billion yuan. , the market size of parts replacement of aerated concrete production line is 2.315 billion yuan.

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